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Anti-corruption Promotion and Education Month activity plan

Source: Unknown 时间:2018-08-15 20:41 Number of readings:
(A) to carry out a party lecture activities。In accordance with the requirements of the division of responsibilities and the dual responsibilities, the branch secretary will give party members party lessons, guide party members and cadres to accurately grasp the scientific connotation and spiritual essence of the education theme, enhance the "four consciousness", and strictly abide by the "discipline rules".。
(2) Conduct integrity education activities。Watch the "alarm bell", "Planning for prison" and "Warning record of discipline and Law violations of Central enterprise leaders" CD-ROM, combined with the personal affairs around the unit, and generally conduct a clean education for Party members and cadres。
(3) Write an experience article。结合学习党章党规和习近平总书记系列重要讲话精神,学思践悟。
(4) Holding an honest government knowledge examination activity。Organize party members to actively participate in the Party rules and discipline related knowledge examination activities at the Party meeting, help party members and cadres to deepen the understanding and mastery of the Party rules and discipline knowledge, wake up the awareness of the Party Constitution, and enhance the consciousness of compliance with the rules and discipline。

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